Thursday, December 10, 2015

Nights at Home

Since September, I have only gone to school and been a mom. 
Before, I went to school full time, worked full time, and then coached Lone Peak's drill team on the side as well.
To say that 'spare time' was little would be an understatement.
Each night when I got home, I was exhausted and would see Craig for maybe and hour before going to bed. 

Since becoming a mom I feel like my time is valuable, but I have much more time to spend with my family.
Nights are special because Craig is home from work/school most nights before 6/7. This does not mean that we spend all of those hours together, but it does mean that I get to see him around more often :)
When we get to sit down as a family and enjoy some time, it is very special to me. 

 We just coo over our sweet girl and talk about how big she has gotten already in these three short months!

As we start approaching the time when we will move and Craig will start Dental school, I cherish these moments more and more.

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